PT. Sahitya Mitratech Utama
Best Support and Services to All Our Clients
PT. Sahitya Mitratech Utama a Telcommunication Provider and Human Resources with coverage services all around Indonesia. PT SMU coverge sevices is Nationwide form Sumatera, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Balinusra and all area in Indonesia. We Always give our best services and support to all our clients.

Managed Services
We design and provide comperhensive telecommunication network maintenance services for our clients using the best industry framework and skilled resources to ensure maximum telecommunication network performance.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
- Operation & Maintenance Services Site (TE & CME) and Fiber Optic
- Helpdesk Management
- Spare part Management
- Preventive Maintenance
- Corrective Maintenance
We have many position to give the best part of our services to all clients.
Managed Resouces
We have profesional resources that can help with your complexities in managing resources. We will change and manage your organization better and improve work efficiency with profesionals resources with our services.
We do recruitment, contracts, payroll, insurance, and taxes which comply with the local policies. SMU will be your best partner to give help you managed resources to plan the talent pipeline, costing & budget, timeline so you as the client can focus on your core business.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Resources Supply, ex Engineer, NOC, Sales Executive, Admin.
Vehicle Rent Supply (Car & Motocycle)
Tools Support Supply, Ex. Basic tools CME, laptop, measurement Tools, Optical Tools, Safty Tools.
Payment Agent for site Guard
Completeness of Resouces
We ready to give the best services of Us,

Nowadays we live in a digital world. Everything around us is getting smarter, faster, more connected, and becoming increasingly digital. This digital world has changed the way people look at living a very sophisticated life today. A technology that makes a big change to the whole world, so that it helps make things easier and more sophisticated with the right things.